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BusKill v0.7.0 released
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3D-Printable BusKill Prototype Demo
LUKS Header Shredder (BusKill Self-Destruct Trigger)
BusKill goes to DEF CON 32
BusKill available in-store (Leipzig ProxySto.re)
BusKill available in-store (The Netherlands NovaCustom)
Disarm BusKill in QubesOS
BusKill Demos (Windows, MacOS, Linux, TAILS, QubesOS)
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BusKill available in-store (Leipzig ProxySto.re)

🇩🇪 Deutsche Version dieses Artikels

We’re happy to announce that, for the first time ever, BusKill cables can be purchased in-person in Leipzig, Germany.

[BusKill] Our Dead Man Switch Magnetic USB Breakaway cables are Now Available in-person in Leipzig, Germany at ProxyStore

The BusKill project has partnered with ProxyStore to make BusKill laptop kill cords finally available from a brick-and-mortar location. You can now go to the following location and purchase a BusKill cable with cash or cryptocurrency.

Wolfgang-Heinze-Str. 14
04277 Leipzig

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BusKill Now Shipping!

We’re excited to announce that our first production run of BusKill cables is now in-stock in our distribution center. Existing orders are going out now, and new orders will ship immediately.

[BusKill] Our Dead Man Switch Magnetic Breakaway cables are Now Shipping!

The first BusKill prototype was born in 2017. It gained international popularity in 2020 when Michael Altfield described how to build your own BusKill cable. After extensive effort and with the help of several contributors, a Linux hacker’s DIY cable got a user-friendly, cross-platform GUI.

When the only USB-A magnetic breakaway coupler on the market became out of stock and EOL’d, we raised $18,507 on CrowdSupply in early 2022 to manufacture our own injection-molded cable. One thousand logistics challenges later, Mouser started shipping BusKill cables to our backers in October 2022.

The assembled BusKill cable is plugged-into the USB-A port of a laptop

Now that the hardware is out the door, we’re hard at work on new features for the BusKill app. Our top goal is to add a soft-shutdown trigger to the existing lock-screen trigger. At the time of writing, this is functional on Linux and Windows. We’re just working out the kinks of privilege escalation on MacOS.

To be notified when we’ve added the soft-shutdown trigger to the BusKill app, you can signup for our newsletter.

We did our best to test BusKill across the three target platforms, but the wide spread of OS versions does leave room for error. If you happen to find a bug with BusKill, please let us know.

If you don’t have a BusKill cable yet, you can buy one here on this website or build your own. And for the makers out there, checkout the progress on our 3D printable BusKill magnetic breakaway coupler 🙂

You can also buy a BusKill cable with bitcoin, monero, and other altcoins directly from our BusKill Store

Bitcoin Accepted Here

Monero Accepted Here

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